October 7, 2012


I’m often surprised when something I haven’t considered gives me a moment’s peace or joy. We’ve been juggling a lot in our house lately, caught between our considerations for the future and the demands on us still today. Whether its in our work, in our study or just the goodness of each day, we’re both being stretched and grown - but in a good way.

When faced with the mountain of tasks I’m working my way through, this afternoon I found myself choosing to play some music that I don’t very often.

Johann Strauss’ The Blue Danube Waltz.

In that moment, those eight minutes and forty-five seconds, I face this mountain, not in my house, but instead in my Oma’s arms knowing that I’m going to make it through, and tomorrow will only be better, because of what I overcame today.

Thanks Oma, even still your warm hands, hold my cold ones tight.

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. MATTHEW 6:33-34

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