October 8, 2012


After our day out yesterday, exploring the local region (more of that still to come!), we’ve spent the day at home, shopping for the week and cooking some goodies for our breakfasts and lunches. The smell of cut grass is in the air, as Dave has freshly mowed the lawn, and I finally got around to pruning our roses, before winter is over (for a first timer, I hope I’ve done it right!).

In-between all that, we had lunch. I love Sunday lunches. A little bit of extra time to make something special, and sit around and enjoy it a bit more than during the week. Dave cooked up this creamy salmon pasta, with garlic and zucchini. Yum!

We’re feeling well nourished and rested for the week ahead, and a moment to watch a movie, before we head to church tonight.

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